If I have to describe how the market works in a single image, I use the one given below, I call it the info-money circle. Let's take a close look at it and all that it represents
Demystifying the info-money circle
Market is made of participants who belong to different circles like the promoters, insiders, friends of insiders, big investors, operators, brokers & traders, institutional investors, analysts & reporters, savvy & experienced investors, common investors, dreamers & fools
Information is the main price driver, this keeps originating at the core of this concentric circles and flows outside. Ideally information should reach all participants at the same time in a perfect market but that is a myth. People in circles closest to the origin of the information or the core of the concentric circles receive the information first and it gets dispersed to the outer circles through the stock exchange and people inside the inner circles
Information is often manipulated as it flows outside to increase the odds against the participants in the outer circle and many fall victim to it unless off-course you are smart enough to distinguish between genuine and manipulated information
Money flows from the outer circles, from participants who receive the information last and act last --> to --> the inner circles, to the participants who receive the information earlier and act earlier
There are lot of participants in the large outer circles and very few in the small inner circles
Large number of participants in the outer circle keep losing money and all that money goes to the few participants in the inner circles and hence the participants in the inner circle are able to gain multi-fold. For each winner there are hundreds of losers in the market circles.
The core participants in the inner circles are strong hand participants and they stay in the market for really long periods of time whereas the participants in the outer circle are weak hands and they keep changing, come, loose money and go and mostly come again
Few smart investors in the outer circle also make money because they understand the information well and are able to put it in context with time and price and ride the larger trends compared to immediate triggers. These guys slowly make it to the inner circle using their growing influence based on their financial gains and are able to compound their victories
Few fools in the inner circle loose money because they misuse and exploit their insider information, eventually get caught in the wrong side of the law and are thrown to the outer circle
You have a good chance to make money as long as you are smart enough and not in the outermost circle
During boom cycles outer circles keep growing, during bust cycles outer circles are decimated. Inner circle remains fairly constant. Sometimes if the bust cycle is too long then the participants in the inner circles also compete against each other and get decimated between themselves
The concentric circles also represent the trap of the market, easy to enter difficult to exit and the resistance that is inherent in the market between the inner and the outer circles. Remember though it is easier to get out of the market from the outer circles, not so easy once you are deep inside it.
So should I enter the info-money matrix?
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