Sunday, August 14, 2016

freedom and happiness

freedom .. "free"dom .. the quality or state of being free .. infinitely valuable when it does not exist but hardly appreciated when it is there, because it's free .. like air .. like water .. you realize it's value only when it's not there. This is what makes it extremely difficult. We have legs and it gives us the freedom to walk, run & play but it's not like we worship our legs everyday and thank god for giving them to us.

Freedom & happiness
Now imagine how many such things you have in life that are absolutely essential, completely free but taken totally for granted. It could be something as simple as your favorite pillow .. We constantly take it all for granted and instead what is it that we focus on? .. some trendy cafe, first day first show movies, shopping at 50% sale, neighbor's car, colleagues bonus cheque, celebrity affairs, exotic vacations, government corruption, all the fake and masala news and tv series fantasies, ... the list goes on. So the question is are we making good use of our freedom? In the world of advertisement & marketing led zombiefication of humans we have been made to believe that we need to do, experience, have, consume everything in the world to be happy whereas actually to be happy you just need to be free and to be free you need nothing at all because it's free .. If you have to do, pay, or work to get something then it's not free .. if it's not free then I doubt it will make you happy because you will have to go through lot of unhappy things to get there which in itself is like making yourself unhappy to be happy. Does that make any sense at all?

But we work all the time so hard to be happy, we constantly plan things, do things, push the limits, hoping that it will make us happy. Because we are so invested into it, for a short time we think that we are happy and then it's over and then we need to find something else that will make us happy and then we again work hard, plan and do things to be happy. All it gives us is momentary happiness which is also neither true nor real. It is just the trick of our brain to think that way so that we have some satisfaction that all our investment yielded something. It is a way to cope with the loss of not having achieved actual happiness after working so hard for it. It is just like we try to convince ourselves that atleast we had fun when we lose a bet.

So how to be happy?
simple do nothing at all. Everything you need to be happy, you have it for free.

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